Qabalistic and Astrological Taromancy
Qabalistic and Astrological Taromancy
Taromancy is more than just using imagery and predictive techniques. Taromancy is a magical, numerical, and meditative system all on its own that goes back further than Western Academia truly gives it credit for. At Emerald Scar we offer a syncretic system of both Western and Eastern metaphysical Taromancy. This program ranges from 5 - 8 weeks based on how quickly the material is understood. The student will receive as many check- ins as needed. We guarantee your potential to start a tarot business of your own after this class, which is the goal of our organization to allow people to step into their personal power as a practitioner.
1) Introduction to Tarot
2) The 22 Major Arcana, 22 letters, 10 planets and 12 signs
3) The Elemental calibrations of the tarot, facets of the elements
4) Numerical breakdown of the 22, 56, 36, and 78. The 36 astrological decans and tarot
5) Qabalistic numerical values of tarot cards, advanced application
6) Tarot Meditations and Ceremony,
7) Review, application of tarot. (Test; decipher your own cards drawn by me with no explanation from me)